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Other Works

AZ-80, 2022

"This collection of three cyanotypes served as the precursor to my undergraduate thesis. In this project, I delved into the forgotten landscapes of the American West, tracing the transient movements of individuals who once called Lowell, Arizona home, only to quite literally sacrifice the town to the mining industry. Through the distinctive cyanotype process, these evocative prints capture the fleeting imprints of human presence and the echoes of stories left behind in the vast and desolate terrains of the West. 'AZ-80' invites viewers to contemplate the transient nature of both people and places, laying the foundation for a deeper exploration in my thesis work."

The Moment Before, 2021

"I created this self-portrait in 2021 during an incredibly emotional and tumultuous period of my life. At only nineteen years old I found myself trapped in an abusive relationship with seemingly no escape. I turned to my work hoping to artistically portray what I could not speak. I denied my truth for far too long and found myself living within the shadows of it. This photograph works to express my own denial as well as the fear & anxiety I endured at the hand of my abuser."


Goodbye Birdie, 2023

"Within this triptych, I delve into the transformative nature of healing, capturing the intricate relationship between time, environment, and personal growth. Returning to a place steeped in personal significance, each carefully curated image serves as a snapshot of both the evolving landscape and my own journey. One's environment often becomes a silent witness to the nuanced shifts in a person's identity over time. With each panel, a narrative unfolds—a testament to the profound influence our surroundings wield in shaping our healing process and the essence of who we are becoming and what we must release."

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